Authorized configuration items
Authorized configuration items contain the attributes and relationships that you want to manage.
- Summarized CI views
CI views in the form of a CI Summary tab are provided for the Configuration Items application. - Viewing a CI topology
When you are viewing a single authorized configuration item (CI) in the Configuration Items application, you can use the Topology subtab to view a graphical representation of the CI and its relationships with other CIs. - Assessing the impact of a CI outage
In the topology view, you can see which other configuration items would be affected by an outage of the current CI. - Configuring the topology view
An administrator can configure several aspects of the topology view that depicts configuration items (CIs) and their relationships. You can set the initial and maximum breadth of CI relationships that are shown; specify the icon that represents a CI classification; specify whether a CI of a given classification is displayed in the business view; and configure the maximum number of nodes that are shown in the topology. - Status of configuration items
The status of a configuration item reflects the CI's stage in its lifecycle. - Creating configuration items
You can create configuration items manually in the Configuration Items application. - Associating interested parties with a CI
An interested party is a person or a person group whom you want to notify when the CI has a scheduled outage or is otherwise involved in a Change, a release, or another process. For example, after you associate interested parties with a CI, you can set up notifications to these people or person groups when the CI has a scheduled outage during a planned Change process. - Reviewing asset-CI linking results for a single CI
Use a view action in the Configuration Items application to see key information about the asset-CI linking process for a particular linked CI, including the link date, the user who initiated the linking, the linking method, and, if applicable, the link rule that was used. - Updating configuration items
After you create authorized configuration items, you can update them to suit your business needs. - Copying configuration items
Copying a configuration item lets you create similar records without having to provide the same information over again. When you copy a configuration item, all the information from the existing configuration item is copied. - Deleting a configuration item
You can delete a configuration item, but only if there are no work items associated with it and it is not in a protected state. - Linking authorized CIs to actual CIs using naming rules
You can link an authorized version of a CI to an actual CI using naming rules. This link enables you to include the CI in audits and other comparisons. - Defining relationships between configuration items
You can define relationships between one configuration item and another configuration item. - Viewing CI change history
You can review the history of changes made to a configuration item (CI), in order to determine when it was created, when it was last modified, or when a specific change was made. You can view the history of the CI's attributes or relationships. - Creating work records in configuration items
You create several types of work records records in the Configuration Items application. - Synchronizing configuration items
Use the Synchronize CI dialog to synchronize some or all aspects of an authorized CI with the related actual CI. You can synchronize attributes, update relationships, and create new related CIs.
Parent topic: Managing configuration items