Deleting a configuration item

You can delete a configuration item, but only if there are no work items associated with it and it is not in a protected state.

Before you begin

Instead of deleting a configuration item, you can change the status of the configuration item to decommissioned, or to any status value in its lifecycle that maps to decommissioned. Decommissioning a configuration item makes the item inaccessible to all other applications.

If the CI that you want to delete is in a protected state in its lifecycle, you must supply the name of an approved change in order to delete the CI or to change its status.

If a CI is a member of an active CI baseline, you cannot delete the CI, but you can move it to a decommissioned state.

To delete a configuration item, follow these steps:


  1. View the CI that you want to delete in the Configuration Items application.
  2. Check the status column to see whether the CI is in a protected state. If it is in a protected state, you must have a valid change in order to delete it or change its status. The change must be in Approved or In Progress state, and it must identify the CI as a target. You can enter the change number or select it from a list.
  3. To verify that there are no work items associated with the CI, choose the View Work Details action to see a list of work items. A work item could be a service request, a process request, a problem, an incident, an activity or task, or a workorder. You can also view the CI in its Topology sub-tab; if any work items are associated with the CI, a wrench icon will appear in the icon representing the CI.
  4. If there are any work items associated with the CI, you can either remove the CI from the work item or delete the work item.
  5. When there are no work items associated with the CI, choose the Delete action.
  6. If the configuration item is in a protected state in its lifecycle, you must supply a valid change. You can use the Magnifying glass icon icon next to the Change Number field to select a change from a list.
