Summarized CI views

CI views in the form of a CI Summary tab are provided for the Configuration Items application.

These less complex views are for users who do not need all of the features of the full CI application and would prefer a more streamlined presentation of each CI summarized on one tab.

The CI Summary tab is the main tab (following the record list) in the application. The section at the top of the CI Summary tab shows basic attributes for a CI that exist for any CI type. If the value in the CI Classification field ends with COMPUTERSYSTEM, OPERATINGSYSTEM (or OS), APPSERVER, or BUSINESSSERVICE, or is a child of a parent classification that ends with these classifications, the CI Summary tab displays additional summary sections with their own related tabs, as appropriate for the CI.

The related tabs in the summary sections show relevant information for the CI. For example, if the CI is a computer, the related tabs include the computer CI itself and important CIs that have relationships with it (for example, IP, Storage, Operating System, Middleware, Business Services), plus the key attributes of those CIs. In some cases the relationship between the CI and its relevant information is not direct. For example, IP addresses are in a separate CI and are related to the computer system by way of an IP Interface CI. The computer system contains an IP interface and the IP interface binds to an IP address.

Display of the CI Summary tab is controlled using security groups. It is assigned by default to both the MAXADMIN and EVERYONE security groups. Assignment to the EVERYONE security group ensures that any user with access to the Configuration Items application is able to see the summarized views on the new tab.

Computer System Summary view

This section is displayed when a CI is of type Computer System. To appear in this view, the CI's classification name must end with COMPUTERSYSTEM or, in the class structure hierarchy, must be a child of a parent classification that has a name that ends with COMPUTERSYSTEM. The Computer System Summary section has one large tab group with tabs for the computer system itself, plus relevant information including the important CIs that are contained within it and the important attributes of those CIs.

Create computer system–related CIs. Each of the following tabs in the Computer System Summary section includes a New Row button for creating a new CI that is related to the current computer system. Just click New Row to create a related CI directly from the tab:
  • On the IP tab you can create a new IP Address CI and IP Interface CI and the relationships “Computer System Contains IP Interface” and “IP Interface BindsTo IpAddress” by completing the IP Address and Classification fields.

    (In the Classification field, specify CI.IPADDRESS, a classification ID that ends with this classification [from best practices], or a child of a parent classification that ends with this classification. The default classification is set by the Database Configuration relationship named CCI_SCI_CLASS_IP.)

  • On the Storage tab you can create a new File System CI and the relationship “Computer System Contains File System” by completing the File System Mount Point and Classification fields.

    (In the Classification field, specify CI.FILESYSTEM, a classification ID that ends with this classification [from best practices], or a child of a parent classification that ends with this classification. The default classification is set by the Database Configuration relationship named CCI_SCI_CLASS_FS.)

  • On the Virtual Images tab, which only appears if the computer system is a virtual host , you can view the virtual images (with details) in a table.
  • On the Operating Systems tab you can create a new Operating System CI and the relationship “Operating System InstalledOn Computer System” by completing the Operating System CI and Classification fields.

    (In the Classification field, specify CI.OS, a classification ID that ends with this classification [from best practices], or a child of a parent classification that ends with this classification. The default classification is set by the Database Configuration relationship named CCI_SCI_CLASS_OS.)

  • On the Application Servers subtab of the Middleware tab you can create a new Application Server CI and the relationship “Application Server RunsOn Computer system” by completing the Application Server (Unique) Name and Classification fields.

    (In the Classification field, specify CI.APPSERVER, a classification ID that ends with this classification [from best practices], or a child of a parent classification that ends with this classification. The default classification is set by the Database Configuration relationship named CCI_SCI_CLASS_APPSERVER.)

  • On the Database Servers subtab of the Middleware tab you can create a new Database Server CI and the relationship “Database Server RunsOn Computer System” by completing the Database Server (Unique) Name and Classification fields.

    (In the Classification field, specify CI.DATABASESERVER, a classification ID that ends with this classification [from best practices], or a child of a parent classification that ends with this classification. The default classification is set by the Database Configuration relationship named CCI_SCI_CLASS_DBSRV.)

  • On the Web Servers subtab of the Middleware tab you can create a new Web Server CI and the relationship “Web Server RunsOn Computer System” by completing the Web Server (Unique) Name and Classification fields.

    (In the Classification field, specify CI.WEBSERVER, a classification ID that ends with this classification [from best practices], or a child of a parent classification that ends with this classification. The default classification is set by the Database Configuration relationship named CCI_SCI_CLASS_WEBSRV.)

  • On the Business Services tab, you can view all the business services that the CI belongs to. Business services that are classified with the suffix BUSINESSSERVICE, or any of its subclasses, are presented (with details) in a table.

Operating System Summary view

This section displays when a CI is of type Operating System. To display, the CI's classification name must end with OPERATINGSYSTEM or OS or, in the class structure hierarchy, must be a child of a parent classification that has a name that ends with OPERATINGSYSTEM or OS. The Operating System Summary section has a Computer System tab and a tab for the operating system itself, Operating System Details, with relevant information including the important CIs that are contained within the operating system, where they are contained, and the important attributes of those CIs.

Business Service Summary view

This section displays when a CI is of type Business Service. To display, the CI's classification name must end with BUSINESSSERVICE or, in the class structure hierarchy, must be a child of a parent classification that has a name that ends with BUSINESSSERVICE. The Business Service Summary section includes a few attributes that are important for business services, plus a table of the business service members.

Add business service members. In the Business Service Summary section, the Business Service Members table is visible when customers are importing and manually creating business services (and their members) directly in IBM® Control Desk. These are direct members of a business service (or BusinessService Federates CI).

The table includes a Select Members button for choosing one or more existing CIs to be members of the current business service. Just click Select Members to display a list of CIs and choose one or more new members directly from the table. The CI relation RELATION.FEDERATES is created between the current business service CI and the new members.

Middleware Summary view

This section displays when a CI is middleware of type Application Server, Database Server, or Web Server. To display, the CI's classification name must end with APPSERVER or, in the class structure hierarchy, must be a child of a parent classification that has a name that ends with APPSERVER. The Middleware Summary section has a Computer System, Operating System, and Business Services tab and a tab for the middleware itself, Middleware Details, with relevant information including the important CIs contained within the middleware, where they are contained, and the important attributes of those CIs.

Anomalous display results

The CI Summary tab is constructed to display different simplified views (sections, tabs, and fields) using Maximo® relationships. These Maximo relationships follow the best practices for authorized CIs and the Common Data Model (CDM) for CI classifications, classification hierarchies, relationships, and attributes. You can find the best practices and CDM in Deployer's Workbench, the best-practice tool for creating authorized CI spaces.

Just as classification names must conform to CDM naming conventions (ending, for example, with specific text strings like COMPUTERSYSTEM and OPERATINGSYSTEM), the names of relationships must be the same as, or end with the same text as, a relationship name in the Common Data Model, so that relationship information will display as intended.

Similarly, attribute names must be identical with Common Data Model attribute name. For example, if MYCOMPANY_SERIALNUMBER was used as an attribute name instead of COMPUTERSYSTEM_SERIALNUMBER, the attribute will not display.

In short, if the CDM for CIs was not followed, and customized classification and relationship names were used instead, the display results of the affected views could be unpredictable.

Note: In general, each attribute presented in the Summary views intends to display specific data using a relationship (MaxRelation), but if the relationship does not return a record (for example, if the specification does not exist or if a relation or CI does not exist) then the field is marked as read only.
