Managing workflows
A process workflow is a predefined series of steps that result in the completion of a Change, a task, or a series of tasks. The Change Management component uses workflows in three ways: to direct the progression of an entire Change process, start to finish; to manage process requests; and to automate or assist the performance of a task.
Using a workflow to direct a full Change enables you to manage assessment, authorization, scheduling, and review outside of the linear, step-by-step flow of tasks in a job plan. Using a workflow, rather than a step-by-step set of tasks, to handle assessment and authorization makes the Change process more flexible. Assessment assignments, along with the approval assignments that are needed for authorization, are sent to the Change assessors and approvers as needed. In addition, a Change can be scheduled at any time during the process, rather than being forced into a step-by-step sequence.
Using a workflow to direct an express Change enables you to manage the steps that are involved in the express process. It is strongly recommended that you configure your work orders to use the workflow method of organizing and carrying out Changes. You can modify the workflows to meet your needs, and you can create new workflows to apply to various kind of Changes.
If you are using IBM Control Desk, you can use the best practice PMCHGMAIN1 workflow to manage advanced Changes in your data center. You can also choose to use either of the express Change workflows (PMCHGFIXD1 and PMCHGFLEXD1) to manage Changes using a simplified, express workflow process.
If you are using IBM Control Desk - Entry Edition, you use the PMCHGFIXD1 or PMCHGFLEXD1 workflow to manage express changes.