PMCHGFIXD1 workflow details
The PMCHGFIXD1 workflow is one of the two workflows that this product provides for managing express Changes. The PMCHGFIXD1 workflow operates like a wizard, guiding the Change through a series of sequential steps to the completion of the process. It ensures that all steps are completed in a certain order.
When you use the PMCHGFIXD1 workflow, you start the workflow at the beginning of the process, and it runs continuously until the end of the process. As it directs an express Change process, the PMCHGFIXD1 workflow does the following. Each phase of the Change is discussed more fully in the phase-related sections of the information center.
- Exits and stops processing if the status is not a synonym of WAPPR, APPR, or WSCH. If the status is any other value, the workflow displays a message informing you that the Change has already been processed and the workflow cannot continue.
- Ensures that the Change has an owner or owner group. If neither
an owner nor an owner group is specified for the Change, the workflow
sends an assignment to the workflow initiator, who can do either of
two things:
- Check a box to set himself (the initiator) as the owner.
- Check a box and manually specify an owner or owner group.
- Depending on whether the Change is standard type or one of the other types (normal or emergency), does one of two things to move the Change to the appropriate phase.
- If the type is standard, the workflow sets the authorization decision to Preapproved, sets the status to IMPL (implementation), and issues the needed implementation assignment or assignments. Implementation assignments are issued in the correct order; after a task owner has completed an assignment, the next task owner receives his assignment.
- If the type is normal or emergency, the workflow sets the status to ASSESS (assessment) and issues an assessment assignment to the Change owner or owner group that was set by the Change initiator as the owner of the Change.
- Sets the status to SCHED (schedule) after assessment is completed. Additionally, at this phase the workflow issues a scheduling assignment to the Change owner or owner group.
- Sets the status to AUTH (authorize) after scheduling is completed. The
workflow handles the authorization phase as follows, depending on
whether approvers are specified in the approvers table:
- If approvers are defined in the approvers table:
- Sends approval vote assignments to all approver entries
- If anyone votes to reject the Change, sets the Authorization
Decision field to Rejected, and
sends a "resubmit" assignment to the Change owner or owner group. One
of the following then occurs:
- If the Change owner or owner group chooses to resubmit the Change, sets the Authorization Decision field to Resubmit and skips back to the assessment assignment (at which point this authorization process begins anew).
- If the Change owner of owner group chooses not to resubmit, sets the Change status to Rejected, and exits.
- If all of the approvers vote to approve the Change, issues the implementation assignment to the Change owner.
Users can select the
action to see a history of the authorization decisions, resubmissions, and so on. - If no approvers are defined in the approvers table:
- Sends approval vote assignments to the Change owner or owner group.
- If the owner or owner group votes to approve, sets the Change status to IMPL (implementation) and issues the implementation assignment
- If the owner or owner group votes to reject, sets the Change status to Rejected, and exits.
- If approvers are defined in the approvers table:
- Sets status to IMPL after authorization is completed, and handles the implementation outcome in one of two ways.
- If implementors select Implementation complete in the assignment dialog, sets the Change status to COMP (complete) and continues to the Review phase (if the Change is not a standard Change).
- If implementors select Reschedule in the assignment dialog, sets the Authorization Decision to Resubmit; sets the Change status to SCHED; and loops back to the scheduling assignment.
- After implementation is complete, handles the post-implementation Review phase for non-standard Changes. If
the Change is standard, the workflow sets the Change status to CLOSE,
and exits. If it is non-standard, the workflow sends a review assignment
to the Change owner or owner group, which makes one of these selections:
- If Satisfies stakeholders is selected, the workflow sets the Change status to Complete and exits.
- If Does not satisfy stakeholders is selected, the workflow sets the status to FAILPIR (failed) and exits.
You can modify the PMCHGFIXD1 workflow to meet the needs of your business processes. You can also create your own workflows.