PMCHGFLEXD1 workflow details

The PMCHGFLEXD1 express workflow completes only the steps for the current phase, updates the status, and exits. The user clicks the workflow icon (ITIL workflow) again to start the next step in the process.

This workflow performs the same process steps as the other express workflow, PMCHGFIXD1. However, the PMCHGFLEXD1 workflow is more flexible than PMCHGFIXD1; for example, you can go back and change the status to an earlier phase in the process and redo that earlier phase. Because you click the workflow icon to move from step to step, you have more control over the step-by-step process.

This workflow is operational when the workflow icon (ITIL workflow) is linked to it. When you click this icon, or when you check Start Change process workflow in the New Change dialog, the workflow starts processing the Change. The icon changes to ITIL workflow in progress to indicate that the Change is in progress. After the Change is completed, the icon changes back to ITIL workflow.

The following table describes the actions that are performed when you click the workflow icon at various times during the process. Each phase of the Change is discussed more fully in the phase-related sections of the information center.

If you click ITIL workflow when these conditions apply... The PMCHGFLEXD1 workflow does the following:
The internal value of the Change status is not WAPPR, APPR, INPRG, or COMP Displays a dialog informing you that the Change process is complete.

Examples of valid status values: WAPPR, ASSESS, SCHED, AUTH, IMPL, COMP, REVIEW

Example of invalid status values: CLOSE, FAILPIR, CAN, REJECTED

The status has a valid value Turns off flow control.
The Change has no owner or owner group Sends an assignment to the workflow initiator, who can do either of two things:
  • Check a box to set himself (the initiator) as the owner.
  • Check a box to manually specify an owner or owner group. The workflow verifies that an owner or owner group has been specified.
The status is WAPPR, and the Change is a standard Change Sets the authorization decision to Preapproved, sets the status to IMPL (implementation), and issues the needed implementation assignment or assignments.
The status is WAPPR, and the Change is a normal or emergency Change Sets the status to ASSESS (assessment).
The status is ASSESS Sends assessment assignment to the Change owner or owner group. After the assessment is complete, sets the status to SCHEDULE.
The status is SCHEDULE Sends a scheduling assignment to the Change owner or owner group. After scheduling is complete, sets the status to AUTHORIZE.
The status is AUTHORIZE, and the Authorization Decision field contains the value Approved or Preapproved Sets the status to IMPLEMENT
The status is AUTHORIZE, and the Authorization Decision field contains the value Rejected Sends an assignment to the Change owner or owner group to make a rejection follow-up decision.
  • If the Change owner or owner group chooses to resubmit the Change, sets the Authorization Decision field to Resubmit and sets the status to ASSESS.
  • If the Change owner of owner group chooses not to resubmit, sets the Change status to REJECTED, and sets the Authorization Decision field to Rejected.
The status is AUTHORIZE, and the Authorization Decision field is not Approved, Preapproved, or Rejected If approvers are specified in the approvers table:
  • Sends approval vote assignments to all approver entries
  • If all approvers vote to approve the Change, sets the status to IMPLEMENT and the Authorization Decision field to Approved.
  • If anyone votes to reject the Change, sets the Authorization Decision field to Rejected.
If there are no approvers specified in the approvers table:
  • Sends approval vote assignments to the Change owner or owner group.
  • If the owner/owner group votes to approve, sets the status to IMPLEMENT and the Authorization Decision field to Approved.
  • If the owner/owner group votes to reject, sets the status to REJECTED and the Authorization Decision field to Rejected.
The status is IMPLEMENT or IN PROGRESS Sends an assignment to the Change owner or owner group to specify whether the Change implementation is complete. Two choices are provided in the assignment, as follows:
  • If the owner/owner group selects Implementation complete, sets the status to CLOSED for a standard Change or to REVIEW for a normal or emergency Change.
  • If the owner/owner group selects Change needs to be rescheduled, sets the Authorization Decision field to Resubmit and the status to SCHED.
The status is COMPLETE Sets the status to CLOSED for a standard Change, or to REVIEW for a normal or emergency Change.
The status is REVIEW Sends a review assignment to the Change owner or owner group.
  • If the owner/owner group selects Meets stakeholder expections, sets the status to CLOSED.
  • Otherwise, sets the status to FAILPIR.
None of the conditions above match the current situation A dialog box is displayed, informing you that the status value has no processing defined for it. This occurs throughout the process, each time the current situation does not match the conditions described in this table.
