Modifying a Change workflow
You can modify the PMCHGMAIN1, PMCHGFIX1, or PMCHGFLEX1 workflow to meet the needs of your business processes.
For example, in the PMCHGMAIN1 workflow you might want to switch out the built-in PMCHGAUTH1 workflow, which is used to manage the authorization phase, and use the PMCHGAP1 workflow instead. The PMCHGAUTH1 workflow sends approval assignments during the authorization phase only to the approvers who belong to the authorization level that you specify for this phase. The PMCHGAP1 workflow proceeds through all of the authorization levels in sending approval assignments. For more information about the authorization process and workflows, see "Authorization workflows and authorization levels."
You might also want to modify the order in which a workflow processes the Change steps. For example, the PMCHGMAIN1 workflow has scheduling before authorization; some organizations prefer to authorize a Change prior to scheduling it.
- Open the Workflow Designer application ( .
- Type PMCHG in the Process field, and press Enter to see a list of all of the workflows that are defined for the Change process.
- Select the workflow that you want to modify from the list. Follow instructions in the online help to modify the workflow to suit your requirements. You can also consult the Workflow Designer application topics, which are available in the Modules and applications section of the information center navigation pane ( ).