Importing IT asset disposal data

Asset disposal is one of the life cycle processes supported by Control Desk. To facilitate management of asset disposal data, Control Desk provides features that enable you to import data from external sources about how you dispose of your IT assets.

The Assets application in Control Desk supports IT life cycle management processes such as technology refresh and end of life asset disposal features. In this application you can maintain data about how you disposed of IT assets at the end of their life cycle. For example, you might donate notebooks to a charitable organization, or you might sell them to employees. To determine which assets are ready for disposal, you can search for assets that have a status of Pending Disposal. After disposal, in the End of Life section on the IT Details tab in Assets, you can specify the following information about how you disposed of an asset:
  • Type of Disposal – the type of disposal, such as destroyed, donated, lost, retired, returned to lessor, sold, stolen, or taken home by employee
  • Date Disposed – date on which the asset was disposed of
  • Recipient – the person or organization that received the asset
  • Charge – the amount of any costs incurred in disposal of the asset
  • Price/Value – the amount of any payment received when the asset was disposed of
  • Disposal Request ID – identifier for the request that initiated disposal
  • Disposal Remarks – additional information related to the disposal of the asset

In some cases, data about how you disposed of assets might be external to Control Desk. For example, you might contract with an another company to dispose of your assets, and that company might provide information about how the assets were dispersed. Control Desk provides features and predefined content to facilitate importing information from external sources about how assets were disposed of.
