Overview of IT asset disposal imports

Control Desk enables you to import data about the way you have disposed of IT assets at the end of their useful life cycle. To import IT asset disposal data, use the integration framework applications in the Integration module.

You can use the Integration Module applications, also known as the integration framework, in Control Desk to import a file that contains data about how you disposed of assets. The asset disposal integration is designed to import a flat file. Before you can import the file, you must make sure that the file is in the proper format.

The parameters for using the integration framework to import data are provided in content files created for Control Desk. The content for this integration uses a defined set of business rules to update data in the asset records maintained in the Assets application. When data is imported, the status of the asset record is changed, and fields in the End of Life section on the IT Details tab of the Assets application are updated. The asset disposal integration is configurable. You can adjust the parameters to import only the data required for your business needs.

When you change the status of an asset record in the Control Desk interface, several options are presented in addition to the option to change the status field. You can also specify whether to elect the following options:
  • Roll new status to all child assets?
  • Remove asset reference from active routes?
  • Remove asset reference from safety plans?
  • Change the status of all associated PMs (preventive maintenance records) to inactive?
When using the asset disposal features to import data, all of these status change parameters are set to true, and the following actions occur:
  • All child assets are set to the same status of DECOMMISSIONED or DISPOSED.
  • The asset is removed from active routes.
  • The status of all associated PMs is set to inactive.
  • The asset is removed from active safety plans.
If your business requires that you set any of these options to another value, you cannot use the asset disposal features in the integration framework to update the status of the asset. Instead, from the record list in the Assets application, use the Change Status action to modify the status of selected asset records. Then use the asset disposal integration to update the other fields in the End of Life section as needed.
Before you can use the integration components to import disposal data, perform the following tasks:
  • install and configure Control Desk 7.6
  • configure the integration framework applications to define parameters required for your asset disposal imports
  • ensure that the file you are importing is in the proper format

After you have configured Control Desk, import the disposal data using the data import feature in the integration framework.

If necessary, you can export data about the assets before you dispose of them. You can use the integration framework's outbound processing to export a file with information about assets pending disposal. This feature is especially useful if you have a large number of assets to dispose of.
