Price adjustments

You can adjust the prices of items in a price book if the price book is in DRAFT or PNDREV status. You can increase or decrease the price of an individual item or the prices of a group of items.

The Adjust Prices window in the Price Books application shows all of the items in a price book and includes the recurring price, one-time price, and list price for each item. You can filter the list of price book lines by commodity group or commodity code or by any of the values in the table columns. You select the lines you want to adjust and enter a positive or negative percentage in the price adjustment fields.

If a percentage increase or decrease is specified, it is applied to all selected lines on all pages in the window. The changes are not applied to the database until you click OK. You can preview the adjusted prices in the window before applying them. You can refresh the window to view the original prices, or you can cancel the price adjustment, if you have not yet applied the changes. When you do apply the changes, the newly calculated prices are updated on the price book.

You can apply a price adjustment to the billing schedule recurring price, the billing schedule one-time price, or the list price of the selected items, or any combination of the three.

A positive value indicates a percentage increase and a negative value indicates a percentage decrease. For example, a value of 10 in Recurring Price field means that the recurring price of the selected items increases by 10%. A value of -10 means that the recurring price decreases by 10%.
