Price book status

Price books records have a status to indicate where the record is in a price book life cycle. When you create a price book, the Status field is set to DRAFT. You change the status of a price book by using the Change Status action. The price book status also is changed when you revise a price book by using the Revise Price Book action.

Price book records can have one the following status values:
Table 1. Price book status values
Status Description
APPR The price book record is approved. From this status, you can change the price book status to EXPIRED as long as there are no revisions of the price book that are in PNDREV status. You can also change the status of an approved price book to PNDREV by revising the approved price book.
DRAFT The price book is a draft. In this status, you can edit the price book details. From this status, you can change the record status to CANCEL or APPR.
CANCEL The price book has been canceled. The status of canceled price books cannot be changed.
EXPIRED The end date for the price book has passed so the price book has expired. You cannot modify the details of a price book record that has this status value. From this status, you can change the price book status to APPR as long as the end date is a date in the future. You can also change the status from EXPIRED to PNDREV by revising the expired price book. You can revise an expired price book if the expiration date is in the future.
PNDREV The price book is a pending revision of an existing price book. You only can edit some of the price book fields when the price book is in this status. From this status, you can change the price book status to CANCEL or APPR.
REVISED The price book is revised. When a pending revision is approved, the prior revision is changed to REVISED status. You cannot modify anything on this price book record or change its status.
