Configuring mappings between Classifications and OSLC resource types

A consumer application queries the Resource Registry for UI Preview links based on the rules that are defined in the CRTV.

About this task

The Resource Registry uses the Common IT Resource Type Vocabulary to describe the resources it knows about. As Control Desk has its own data model, its Classifications must be mapped to the OSLC resource types before you can view UI Preview information.

For CIs, a set of recommended mappings is loaded for the Best Practice CI classifications if those classifications exist in the system when the product is installed. See the CI to OSLC resource type mappings on the Control Desk wiki.

For assets, a set of recommended mappings is loaded for the Best Practice Asset classifications if they were installed from the optional content. See the Asset to OSLC resource type mappings on the Control Desk wiki. If you load the Best Practice Asset classifications from the optional content after you install Control Desk, you must run a script to load the default OSLC resource type mappings. On the administrative workstation, change to the install_home\maximo\tools\maximo\internal directory. Run the command: runscriptfile.bat -fLoadOslcResourceMapping-ctloam

Upon installation, the product is configured to find UI Previews for CIs or assets that are classified with classifications in the Best Practice classification models. You can view the OSLC resource mappings in the OSLC Provider application.


  1. Go to Administration > Classifications or Integration > OSLC Providers.
  2. Select the action, Configure OSLCResource Mapping.
  3. Use the Resource Type and Classifications table to view, add, change, or delete mappings between Classifications and OSLC resource types. Click the arrow next to a mapping to view its details.
    Important: Review the identification rules for the resource type you want to add or change the mapping for. The identification rules are listed under the Additional Requirements section of each Resource Definition that is listed in OSLC Reconciliation Specification Version 2.0. Make sure that the properties that you choose for the resource satisfy at least one set of rules that are defined for that resource.
  4. Use the Resource Properties and Attributes table to view, add, change, or delete mappings between CI attributes and OSLC resource properties. Click the arrow next to a mapping to view its details.
    Note: By default, this step is not necessary for assets. For assets, once the classification is mapped to the resource type, the manufacturer, model, and serial number are always pulled from the asset object to populate the query. See Asset to OSLC resource type mappings for a list of asset classifications to OSLC resource mappings. If you customize asset attributes, you must specify the appropriate mappings as described in this step.
