OSLC Integrations overview
IBM® Control Desk applications and some external applications can link and share data by using Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) integration.
The OSLC community, a group of software developers and organizations, is working to standardize how software lifecycle tools share data such as requirements, defects, test cases, and change history. Version 2.0 of the OSLC Specification is supported for OSLC integration of products.
OSLC integration is accomplished between a consumer application and an external provider application. The OSLC provider application makes its resource data available to the consumer application through containers, which are also known as service providers. With the resource data made available, the consumer application can create links between its data and the resource data of the provider application. You can configure and enable any application in your product to act as an OSLC consumer application.
For more information about OSLC integration, see OLSC Integrations in the Integrating with external applications section of this documentation.
- A user such as a service desk analyst can view details on CIs and assets that are provided by an IT resource User Interface (UI) Preview provider such as IBM Tivoli® Application Dependency Discovery Manager or IBM Tivoli Monitoring.
- A user such as a service desk analyst can view event details for CIs from IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus
- Ticket data can be provided to products that are configured as OSLC consumers.
- Initiate the deployment of virtual system patterns from the Self Service Center in products such as IBM SmartCloud® Orchestrator. This integration is available as a content package on the Integrated Service Management Library. For details about the integration and documentation, see Deploying SmartCloud Orchestrator virtual system patterns from the Self Service Center in the Control Desk wiki.