Offering dialogs

Offering dialogs are used to gather information from the user about the offering or service they wish to submit for ordering.

Offering dialogs perform the following functions:
  • Present detailed information about the offering. This includes the name, description, user, as well as a link to any attachments the designer has included with this offering.
  • Allows the user to add the offering to a cart for a service request offering.
  • Allows the user to launch the service for an action offering.
  • Displays the details of a descriptive offering.
  • Collects attribute information from the user for fulfillment of the service (if the offering is a service request offering or action offering).

The user can also use the Add to Favorites button allows the user to add an offering to their list of favorite or frequently used offerings. This list is easily retrievable from the Offering Catalog and Self Service Center by using the View Favorite Offerings link.

The Order Now! button may also appear on the offering dialog. This allows a user to create an order from an offering without affecting the contents of their current cart. A separate cart is created and submitted with the offering when Order Now! is clicked.
Note: If the offering is marked 'Requires Shipping Information', the user will also be asked to select their shipping location information.
The following informational fields are displayed for each offering in the default dialog:
  • Offering internal name
  • Image
  • Description
  • Long Description
  • Quantity (if offering uses quantity)
  • Requested for: a lookup for the person that the service is requested for
  • Value for each non-hidden, non-read-only attribute associated with the offering.
    Note: Attributes that are set as hidden in the offering dialog or in the custom dialog XML, will not be displayed to the user regardless of whether the presentation is default or custom. Attributes that are set as read-only are displayed to the user with their default values but are not editable. The user is required to input a value for all attributes that are set as mandatory. Attributes that have a validation script associated with them must pass the validation before the offering is or allowed to be submitted in the cart.
  • Offering Attachments: documents the service designer has attached to the offering.
    Note: This link is only displayed if the offering has attachments.
  • User Attachments: additional documents the user may attach to the order.
    Note: This link is only displayed if the offering has the 'Display User Attachments Link' checkbox selected.

The service designer can also change the appearance of the default dialog for an offering using the following options:
  • Specify the order in which attributes are displayed.
  • Use a check box or date field for an attribute.
  • Add hover help for one or more attributes.
  • Allow a multiline text box to be added or displayed for controls that have a text field component.

Service Designers may decide to create custom dialogs to customize the presentation for their organization's needs when the default dialog is not sufficient for their Offering.

With custom dialogs you can:
  • Display additional or different offering details (for example, adding a service type).
  • Remove or change the offering image.
  • Change the look-and-feel aspects of the dialog (for example, changing the background color, changing the font type or text size).
  • Add help text for one or more attributes.
  • Pre-populate attributes with data.
  • Use a check box or date field for an attribute.
  • Create a complex wizard-like dialog that contains multiple pages.
  • Hide the input of an attribute that contains a password.
  • Override Add to Cart, Cancel, Order Now! and Launch functionality.
  • Display shipping information.

Dialogs that are contained in the application XML can be modified and cloned using the Application Designer.

Offering dialogs are stored in the Offering application XML (pmscoffer.xml), allowing them to be shared across multiple applications, including Offering Catalog, Self Service Center, Shopping Cart, and View Catalog Requests applications).
