Changing dialog styles

The headercss, labelcss, cssclass, and textcss attributes specify style sheets used to augment colors and fonts in the dialog. These styles are specified in the pmscshopex.css and pmscoffcat.css files, which the Offering Catalog application uses.

The textcss attribute is used on the section tag to modify text display styles.

The cssclass="pmscoffcat_border pmscoffcat_section_color" is used to display a border around a section.

The following example snippet, from the Build New Server With Middleware offering, demonstrates the use of the css attributes.

<dialog beanclass=""   
      id="BuildNewServerWithMWDialogCR" label="Build New Server with Middleware 
      relationship="PMSCCRSPEC" width="800"   
      headercss="pmscoffcat_dialog_header" labelcss="pmscoffcat_dialog_header">
      <section id="defaultDialogCR_attrs_sec1" textcss="pmscoffcat_text_node" 
      cssclass="pmscoffcat_border pmscoffcat_section_color">
      <sectionrow id="bnsmCR_first_secrow">
      <datasrc id="bnsmCR_offering_info" relationship="PMSCOFFERING"/>
      <sectioncol id="bnsmCR_details_col1">
