Specifying a sequential queue

By default the enterprise services defined for software catalog imports specify the use of a continuous queue. To use a sequential queue, you must enable the cron task for sequential queues. You perform this task in the Cron Task Setup application.

About this task

Complete the following steps to specify a sequential queue for importing software catalog data into Control Desk.


  1. Click Go To > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Cron Task Setup.
  2. On the record list in the Cron Task Setup application, select the JMS Sequential Queue Consumer cron task (JMSQSEQCONSUMER).
  3. On the Cron Task tab in the Cron Task Instances table window, select the SEQQIN cron task instance.
  4. In the SEQQIN cron task instance, select the Active check box.
  5. In the Cron Task Instances table window, select the SEQQOUT cron task instance.
  6. In the SEQQOUT cron task instance, select the Active check box.
  7. After you selected the required check boxes, click Save Cron Task Definition.
