Step 1: Defining your data source connections

Perform this task to define the data source connections that connect Integration Composer to data sources and targets.

Before you begin

Integration Composer uses a JDBC driver or an API to connect to data sources. Before you can create a mapping, you must have a data source connection defined for both the data source (in this case, the discovery tool database) and the target, Deployed Assets 7.6 (the Maximo® database).

About this task

After you define the connection parameters for your data sources, Integration Composer saves them in its repository and displays them whenever you attempt to connect to the data sources.

Note: Perform the following procedure twice: once for the data source (the discovery tool database), and once for the target (Deployed Assets 7.6).

The steps for defining the data source connections follow.


  1. Sign in to Integration Composer using a valid user ID and password.

    To access Integration Composer, sign in using the Maximo database user ID and password. You must have database administrative rights to access the user interface. Integration Composer stores each database user ID that you enter when defining connectivity to the source and target data sources, but it does not store the passwords. After you define your data source connections, the only parameter that the Integration Composer user interface requests from you in real time is the password for the data source (that is, the database password for database users).

  2. In the Data Source section, select Define New Data Source.

    The Data Schema page is displayed in the Define a New Data Source window. The Data Schema page lists data schemas that were installed with Control Desk plus any data schemas that you created using database scripts or the Integration Composer user interface.

  3. Select a data schema.
    For example:
    • If you are defining the data source for a discovery tool, select the data schema for your discovery tool. For information about the discovery tools that are supported, see Discovery Tools Supported in the IBM® Control Desk wiki.
    • If you are defining the data source for the target Maximo database for the current release of Control Desk, select Deployed Assets 7.6.
  4. Click Next.
  5. In the Data Source field, enter a name for the data source (the name must have at least two characters and is case sensitive; for example, Altiris-60) and click Next.
  6. In the Connection Method drop-down list, select the method for connecting to the data source you are defining (for example, to connect to an SQL database, select i-net OPTA JDBC Driver for Microsoft SQL Server.)
  7. Enter the connection parameters, as required. The connection method that you selected in step 6 determines the fields that Integration Composer displays.

    The following table lists all the fields that Integration Composer can display. You may see fewer fields, depending on your connection method.

    Table 1. Connection information fields
    Field Description
    Host Name Host name for the data source; the data source is either the source discovery tool database or the target Maximo database (for example,

    If you use Tivoli® Asset Discovery for z/OS®, specify the database location name.

    Host Port Port for the data source (for example, 1433)

    If you use Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS, specify the port for the database location.

    Host SID Session identifier for the host; that is, the database instance name (for example, altiris60)
    Database Database name for the data source (for example, admin)
    User Name Database user name for the data source (for example, admin)
    Password Database password for the data source
    Table Owner Data schema name or database schema owner (for example, dbo)
    Driver JDBC driver to use for the connection
    URL URL address to access a database instance (for example, jdbc:inetdae7:myserver:1433?database=altiris60)
  8. Optional: If appropriate, click Test Connection to test the connection to the data source. Integration Composer displays a Test Connection window. The text in the window indicates whether the test was successful. To respond, select one of the following options:
    • If Integration Composer establishes a connection, it displays a confirmation message. Click OK. Integration Composer closes the Test Connection window. Go to step 9.
    • If Integration Composer cannot establish a connection, it displays an explanatory message. Click OK. Integration Composer closes the Test Connection window. Review the values for the connection parameters and retry the connection.
    Note: The Test Connection feature lets you test only the connection without invoking any additional Integration Composer processes. JDBC drivers that do not comply with JDBC 2.0 probably do not support this feature.
  9. On the Connection Information page, click Finish.
  10. In the Save window, click OK. Integration Composer returns you to the Integration Composer window.
    • If Integration Composer does not save the data source successfully, it displays one or more error messages. Click OK. Integration Composer closes the error message window. Resolve any errors and try defining the data source again. For error information, refer to the log files located in the log subdirectory in your Windows or UNIX installation directory.
    • In an Integration Composer session, if you connect to one of the defined data sources, Integration Composer keeps the data source connection open throughout the session unless you complete one of the following steps:
      • Use the Close Data Source Connection option in the Data Source menu in the Integration Composer window to close the connection.
      • Delete the open data source.

What to do next

Make sure you have performed this data source connection procedure for both the discovery tool database and Deployed Assets 7.6 (the Maximo database). Then go to Step 2: Creating a mapping.
