Step 2: Creating a mapping

Perform this task to create a new mapping for the data you want to transform, and import the appropriate mapping (.fsn) file into the mapping.

About this task

Creating the mapping simply connects the source and target databases and assigns a mapping name. Into this mapping you then import the .fsn file. It contains the actual mapping expressions that make the mapping work.
  Attention: If you have created the mapping for this integration adapter previously, and are importing a mapping (.fsn) file, be sure to export and save the previous mapping as a backup. The backup protects any changes made to the previous mapping from being overwritten.

When you import the .fsn file into an existing mapping that already contains expressions, the following occurs in the original mapping:

  • If an expression exists in both mappings, Integration Composer replaces the existing expression with the imported expression.
  • Integration Composer adds any new expressions in the imported mapping to the original mapping.
  • Existing expressions in the original mapping that are not found in imported mapping are not modified.

The steps for creating a mapping follow.


  1. Sign in to the Integration Composer application using a valid user ID and password.
  2. Select Create New Mapping.
  3. From the Source drop-down list of available data sources, select the data source that you defined for the discovery tool database (for example, Altiris-60).
  4. From the Target drop-down list of available data sources, select the data source that you defined for the Maximo® database.
  5. In the Mapping Name field, enter a new mapping name (for example, TAD4Z81toDPA75.fsn). Mapping names have maximum length of 255 characters. Mapping names are also case sensitive; for example, TAD4Z81toDPA75.fsn is not the same as tad4z81todpa75.fsn.
  6. Click OK, and select one of the following options:
    • If Integration Composer opens the Mapping window, go to step 7.
    • If Integration Composer opens the connection information fields in the Open Source Data Source window, use the following procedure to complete the connection information:
      1. In the Open Source Data Source window, accept the defaults established during the last connection to the data source or update the fields.
      2. Enter the password for accessing your source data. (Database users enter a database password).
      3. Click Finish to establish the connection to the source.
      4. In the Open Target Data Source window, accept the defaults established during the last connection to the data source or update the fields as necessary.
      5. Enter the (database or user login account) password for accessing your target data.
      6. Click Finish to establish the connection to the target.
    Integration Composer opens the Mapping window.
  7. In the Integration Composer Mapping window, select the Import action. The Import Mapping window is displayed.
    Note: When you select the Import action, by default, Integration Composer points to the mappings subdirectory. If you moved your .fsn files to a different location, you can use the browse feature in this window to locate the file you want. The .fsn extension identifies Integration Composer mapping files.
  8. In the Import Mapping window, select the mapping (.fsn) file for your discovery tool.

    For information about the discovery tools that are supported and the adapter mapping files, see Discovery Tools Supported in the IBM® Control Desk wiki.

  9. Click Open. Integration Composer imports the mapping file.
    Note: If errors occur when you import the mapping file, Integration Composer displays a window that lists the errors and asks if you want to continue to import the mapping file. To respond, select one of the following options:
    • Click No to cancel the import action without importing the mapping file. Integration Composer closes the window and does not import the mapping.
    • Click Yes to continue to import the mapping file. Integration Composer imports the mapping file and displays errors in red. Resolve the errors before saving the mapping.
    If appropriate, you can modify the mapping.
  10. After you finish the mapping, select one of the following options:
    • To save the mapping with the existing name, select the Save action.
    • To save the mapping with a new name, select the Save As action. Integration Composer opens a Save Mapping As window. In the Mapping Name field in this window, type a new name for the mapping and click OK. Integration Composer saves your changes with the new mapping name.

      For example, if you open mapping A and save it as B, Integration Composer saves your changes as mapping B and keeps mapping B open for editing. Mapping A remains in its original form.

  11. To close the Mapping window, select the Close action.
  12. In the Close Mapping window, click Yes. Integration Composer closes the Mapping window and displays the Integration Composer window.
