Configuring knowledge bases for searches

Before a knowledge base can be available for searching, it must be configured in the Launch in Context application. A system administrator, Service Desk administrator, or other user with authorization to use Launch in Context performs the configuration.

About this task

You can configure as many external Web sites or internal sites as you want for use as searchable knowledge bases.


Perform these steps to configure a Web site for use as a searchable knowledge base in the Global Search application:

  1. Go to the Launch in Context application (Go To > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Launch in Context.
  2. Click New to display fields for creating a new launch entry.
  3. In the Launch Entry Name field, enter a name for the new launch entry. Knowledge base names begin with the letters TSDKM, followed by a number. For example, if you have five knowledge bases defined, enter TSDKM6 for the new launch entry name.
  4. In the Console URL field, enter the full path for the external site. The find text that will be specified for a global search is represented by {SEARCHSTR}. For example, to configure Google as a searchable knowledge base, enter the following:{SEARCHSTR}&btnG=Search.

  5. Save the new record.


After you configure a searchable knowledge base, it is displayed in the list of Launch in Context records. Additionally, it is listed in the Available External Knowledge Bases table, which is displayed in the Search External Knowledge Bases tab of the Global Search application.
