Managing the loading of graphics applets

When users start any of several frequently used applications, applets are loaded to enable the user to view graphical Workplan Maps, configuration item (CI) topologies, or both. These processing-intensive applets can cause the applications to load slowly, particularly with multiple simultaneous users. You can take a number of steps to resolve this problem for your users.

About this task

A Workplan Map contains nodes that represent steps in a configuration or change process. A topology contains nodes that represent CIs and related CIs, helping a user visualize a CI or determine which CIs are impacted by a change implementation.

You can help manage the loading of these graphical applets in the following ways:

Configure group access to graphical views
As a product administrator, you can modify the security group definitions to enable or disable each of the applet views in all of the applications that include these views. After you do so, the product GUI loads more quickly for all of the users with restricted access to the views.
Configure the amount of time that the "applets are loading" message is displayed.
The following message is displayed when users start one of the applications that contain one or more graphical views:

Please wait, applets are loading. If you want to disable the applets, contact your system administrator.

By default, this message times out after 60 seconds. You can configure the pmgui.applet.loadmsg.timeout system property to change the amount of time that the message is displayed.
