Configuring security group access to the views
To control whether members of a security group can view the process flow maps and CI topologies when they use the applications that contain these views, you go to the security group, specify the application to which to control access, and specify whether the flow map or topology view is available to group members.
About this task
Many users in your data center have no need to access these views. For example, members of the Process Requester security group (PMREQUESTER) typically do not need to view details about processes that are initiated at their request. Members of the Change Administrator group (PMCHANGEADMIN) might likewise have no need for these views. A Change Analyst (PMCHANGEANALYST), on the other hand, must be able to view the impact analysis topology; the CI configuration view might not be important for this user.
In the shipped product, some groups are granted access to one or more of the views by default. You can change the settings for these groups, add permission for other groups, and otherwise modify access to these views by security group.
The "Applications and graphical view actions" topic lists the applications that contain the views, along with the associated actions that determine whether the views are available.
To configure the security groups for access to the graphical views, perform the following steps: