Deletion of actual configuration items

You cannot delete an actual configuration item from the Control Desk user interface, but actual CIs that are deleted from TADDM can be deleted from the Maximo® database.

Actual configuration items (CIs) represent items that have been discovered in your IT environment. If the item represented by an actual CI is removed from the environment, you might want it removed from the the Maximo database, where configuration item information is stored. CIs that were discovered by IBM Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager (TADDM) can be deleted from the Maximo database if they are deleted from TADDM.

When a CI is deleted from TADDM, notice of that deletion is passed to Control Desk the next time data is imported from TADDM. The deleted CIs are collected in a table in the Maximo database. The table is processed by an escalation, a task that runs at specified intervals. The escalation reads the table of CIs that were deleted in TADDM and deletes the actual CIs from the Maximo database.

There are two ways in which you can control the deletion of actual CIs:

By enabling or disabling notifications
Notifications of deleted CIs are included in the transfer of data from TADDM to Control Desk by default. You can disable the inclusion of these notifications by editing a file on your Integration Composer server. In the file \Integration Composer\data\properties\provider\, the ccmdb.enable.actualci.deletion property controls the inclusion of notifications about deleted CIs. If you do not want these notifications to be included when data is imported, set this property to false. In this case, the information about CIs being deleted from TADDM will not be passed to Control Desk.
By enabling or disabling the escalation
You can enable or disable escalations in the Escalations application. To open this application, click Go to > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Escalations. The escalation that processes the actual CIs that have been flagged for deletion is called CCIDELETEACTCI. If you disable this task in the Escalations application, CIs that have been identified as deleted in TADDM will not be deleted from the Maximo database.

You can combine these two controls for different purposes. If you want actual CIs that are deleted from TADDM never to be deleted from the Maximo database, you can set the notification to false, and also disable the escalation because it will never have any data to process. If you want actual CIs that are deleted from TADDM always to be deleted from the Maximo database, you do not need to make any changes. By default, both the notifications and the escalation are enabled.

Perhaps, though, you might want to see which CIs are being deleted from TADDM, but not have them deleted automatically from the Maximo database. To do this, you can set the notification property to true, but disable the escalation. When CIs are deleted from TADDM, notifications will be included when data is imported, but the actual CIs will not be deleted. You can run a report called Actual CIs Flagged for Deletion, which will display a list of CIs that have been identified as deleted in TADDM, but have not yet been deleted from the Maximo database. After you have reviewed the list of CIs that were deleted from TADDM, you can decide whether to enable the escalation so that it will delete them from the Maximo database. You cannot choose which CIs from the report to delete; the escalation processes all of the CIs that have been identified.
