Catalogs application
You use the Catalogs application to create catalogs, add offerings to a catalog, remove offerings from a catalog, and manage the lifecycle of a catalog. Catalogs can contain one or more offerings, and catalogs are used by the Offering Catalog and Self Service Center to allow users to search for and order offerings and services.
When you first go to the Catalogs application, you need to click the All Records option under Available Queries to view the list of available catalogs. By default, only catalogs that do not have a status of Obsolete are included in the list. This query can be modified depending on the user's needs.
Service Provider users can only access catalogs that are associated with customers that they are authorized to access. Service Provider users can also work with catalogs that have no customer association.
- Insert a new catalog
- Change the status of a catalogNote: Changing the status will change the status of all the selected catalogs in the list.