Applications that are used with Workflow
Workflow is used with other applications that directly or indirectly support its functionality.
- Actions
- Create and manage actions and action groups. Actions are associated with connection lines in a workflow process and are triggered by the routing that moves a record from one node to another.
- Automation Scripts
- Create scripts that serve as action implementations (similar to custom Java™ classes). As with custom Java classes, automation scripts can access information in Maximo® business objects (MBOs) and interact with operational management products to perform a variety of operations (for example, install software, re-configure a device, or start a service).
- Communication Templates
- Create and manage templates that the system uses when generating e-mail messages. Workflow uses communication templates for notifications.
- Escalations
- Create and manage escalation processes. An escalation is a mechanism that can monitor time-sensitive records and key performance indicators, which can take actions or send notifications when a record reaches a defined escalation point. Workflow can use escalations with task assignments.
- Inbox/Assignments Setup
- Configure the Workflow Inbox on the Start Center of a user.
- People
- Create and manage records for individuals who are listed on records in any capacity. Workflow uses person records when generating assignments and notifications.
- Person Groups
- Create and manage records for groups of individuals. Workflow uses person group records when generating assignments and notifications.
- Roles
- Create and manage records for roles. All roles resolve to a person, person group, or e-mail address. All workflow assignments and notifications are made to roles.
- Workflow Administration
- View and modify assignments and active instances of workflow processes.
- Workflow Administration (Advanced)
- View and modify assignments and active instances of workflow processes. Information about active and inactive instances of workflow processes can also be viewed, including workflow assignments, workflow history, action logs and specification attribute information.
- Workflow Designer
- Create, view, and modify workflow processes.
- Workflow Designer (Advanced)
- Create, view, and modify workflow processes. Workflow Designer (Advanced) application provides a re-designed canvas for designing workflows and provides numerous new capabilities over Workflow Designer application. Workflows that were designed using the original Workflow Designer application can be managed using the Workflow Designer (Advanced) application.
- Workflow Inbox
- View and respond to workflow assignments. A workflow process routes assignments to users' inboxes.
- Workflow Launcher
- Exposes a library of re-usable workflows to the user for selection and invocation.