Select an owner

The owner of a record is the person or person group that is in charge of the record from an administrative perspective. The owner keeps the customer updated and acts as the contact person for any issues involving the work. You can use the Select Owner action to assign ownership to a person or person group, or you can use the Take Ownership action if you want to take administrative ownership of the record yourself. You can access the Select Owner dialog box from several applications, including Incidents, Problems, and Service Requests.

About this task

The system uses the following guidelines for ownership:

  • A record can have many different owners during its life cycle.
  • A record can have an owner, an owner group, or both.
  • You can select or change an owner or owner group until the record status is CLOSED.
  • To view the ownership history of a record, select the View History action.
  • A workflow or an escalation process might assign ownership, if appropriate.


  1. Display the record for which you want to select an owner. This might be an incident, a problem, or a service request.
  2. Select the Select Owner action to open the Select Owner dialog box.
  3. Depending on how you want to assign ownership, do one of the following:
    • To select an individual owner, click the Person tab and select a person. The dialog box closes. The Owner field on the record displays the selected person. If you selected a person that has a Group value in the Person Group column, both values are set on the ticket.
    • To select an owner group, click the Person Groups tab and select a person group. The dialog box closes. The Owner Group field on the record displays the selected value.
