Gantt table and timeline
The Gantt table and timeline span the top half of the Gantt view. On the left, the table displays the work records and their subordinate tasks, if any, that were fetched by the work query specified in the Schedule tab. On the right, graphical elements represent the work orders and associated tasks for the schedule, along with a timeline that shows when tasks are currently scheduled.
About this task
When you open Graphical Scheduling initially to schedule tasks, the task icon for the first task to be scheduled is displayed with today's date if you did not specify a start time; if you specified a start time, the task is displayed at the specified time. If the task icon is red, that indicates that the currently scheduled time for the task violates a resource constraint. A red task might also indicate that the scheduled time for the task falls before the Start No Earlier Than date, or after the Finish No Later Than date, if you set either or both of these dates in the Schedule tab. A blue task icon indicates that the task is within an available time period.
If you set Start No Earlier Than or Finish No Later Than times, or both, dotted red vertical lines are displayed to indicate the beginning or end of the Change, or both.
You select a task in the Gantt chart to display task availability information in the Resource Constraints chart.
The Gantt chart is non-shaded if there are no blocking constraints, but the task is too long to fix in that space. The Gantt chart displays green for the task if there is enough time without resource constraints to fix the current task length.