Viewing conflicts for an individual Change

In the Changes application, conflict detection information is presented for the Change that you are working with. You can view a summary of all of the implementation tasks that have detected conflicts. You can also view the tasks that have change window conflicts, CI conflicts, and blackout period conflicts. You are presented with the information that you need to resolve the conflicts.

About this task

To view implementation task conflicts in the Changes application, perform the following steps:


  1. In the Changes application, open the Change for which you want to view task conflicts.
  2. Open the Schedule tab.
  3. In the Schedule Conflicts section, view the list of the tasks for which conflicts have been detected. Use the sub-tabs in the Task Conflicts section as follows:
    Identifies all of the implementation tasks in this Change that have detected conflicts. For each task, the scheduled start and finish times are displayed, along with task status and the time at which the conflict was detected.
    Change Window
    Identifies all of the change windows that are involved with detected conflicts. A change window conflict occurs when a task is scheduled outside of the change window for the target or impacted CIs for that task. For each change window in the list, the CI that has the conflict is displayed, along with the corresponding task; the scheduled task start and finish times; and an indication of whether the CI is impacted.
    Identifies all of the CIs that have CI task conflicts. CI conflicts occur when the schedule of an implementation task overlaps the schedule of another implementation task that is targeted or impacted by the CI that is the target of the first task. For each CI in the list, the number of the implementation task is provided, along with the number of the other implementation task. For both tasks, scheduled start and end times are provided.
    Blackout Period
    Identifies all of the blackout periods during which implementation tasks are scheduled. The type of each blackout period is provided (LOCKDOWN or RESTRICTED), along with the number of the task that has the target or impacted CIs that are associated with the blackout period. The scheduled start and finish times for the task is displayed. The Configuration Item field contains the name of the CI that is associated with the blackout period; an empty Configuration Item field indicates that the blackout period applies to all CIs.

    Each of these views contain the Update Conflicts button. You can click Update Conflicts to run conflict detection on the implementation tasks for this Change, outside of the regularly scheduled conflict detection time. For example, you update conflicts after you have resolved a conflict for an implementation task, to ensure that the conflicts have indeed been resolved. You might also update conflicts after you create and schedule a new implementation task.
