Remove Database from Server

This section describes and defines the processes and procedures that will be used to manage catalog requests to perform the deletion of a database from a server. The catalog request will be created by a requester when there is a need to remove a database from an existing server.


It does not remove the operating system or other software from the server, nor does it include steps to remove the server. It also does not remove the Database Management System (DBMS) software from the server. Only the instance of the database is removed. Typically, multiple approvals are required. The final approval of the service request signals the start of any SLAs.

The creation and approval of a request to delete a database from an existing server usually involves two steps. The first is the approval by the manager of the request. The second level of approval is usually by an owner of the database environment. This owner would have to check for the completeness of the request and conformance to corporate rules. Notifications are sent to the service requisition user indicating the disposition of the approval request with reason codes.

The authorization process begins when the Requester submits a service request to perform for the deletion of a database from an existing server. The process completes when the database is removed and, if it is a mail database, all network references are removed and the service request is closed.

The following tasks are performed as part of the authorization process:
  1. Prerequisite action (service request order form)
  2. Approve request (manager)
  3. Approve request (environment owner or second manager)


The fulfillment procedure begins when the project manager receives a signed catalog order that involves a subset of tasks to delete am existing database from a server.

The fulfillment procedure ends when all activities related to the installation are completed and the catalog request is closed. The roles responsible for completion of this request are the Database Installer and the Database Specialist/Administrator.

The following tasks are performed as part of the fulfillment procedure:
  1. Delete database from server
  2. Verify deletion of database and any network reference

Resource assignment

Direct assignment by Environment owner to specialist or the team queue. This is described as part of the fulfillment activities as the assignments are made.

Role assignment

Table 1. Remove Database from Server role assignment
Role Responsibilities related to Server initial Build Requests
Requester Requests the service to have a database installed on an existing server.
Manager Reviews and approves request. The criteria for approval is primarily approval of the project and funding.
Second Approver Usually another manager or team lead or environment owner is responsible for reviewing the completeness of the request, the technical feasibility of the request, and assigning the work.
Database Installer Performs all the work of deleting the database.
Database Administrator/Specialist Test and ensure the database and all network references have been removed.
