DB Install and Config

This section describes and defines the processes and procedures that will be used to manage catalog requests to install and configure a database.


The catalog request results in the execution of a number of tasks associated with installing a database management system. A database management system (DBMS) is computer software designed for the purpose of managing databases. Typical examples of DBMSs include Oracle, DB2, Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, FileMaker and Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise.

Database administrators typically use DBMSs in the creation of database systems. The tasks associated with installing and configuring DBMS systems are somewhat dependent on the type of system. However, at the level of the requester, all these specific tasks are only to achieve the goal of installing and configuring a specific database system. In order to ensure that the information is complete enough to perform the specific tasks that are required, it is necessary to perform a validation step. The steps associated with this request therefore become the following:
  • Approval and Authorization of the request
  • Validation of the information in the request
  • Performing the tasks associated with the request
  • Closing the request
The Standard Authorization process will be used for any authorization and approval activities. The following activities are performed as part of the authorization process:
  • Prerequisite action
  • Approval request (validate and approve)


This procedure begins when the project manager receives a catalog that involves requesting that a DBMS be installed and configured. The procedure ends when all activities listed below are completed and the catalog request is closed.

Validate database requirements

The Server Build System Administrator will work with the DBA to ensure that the disk, memory, network, and backup requirements are met prior to installing the database. Checklist items:
  • Validate memory requirements
  • Create Required DB administration IDs
  • Create any required DB client IDs
  • Validate disk space requirements
  • Create required file systems, directories, or virtual disks with proper ACLs
  • Validate OS level requirements
  • Validate SAN allocation requirements
  • Validate TSM backup requirements
  • Validate network connectivity
  • Validate that required firewall ports are open

Perform database installation

If the SR has a DB component, the Database (DB) team(s) will get notification that a task is in their assigned queue by the SB representative. At this point the server is ready for DB implementation. Checklist items:
  • Install DB Application
  • Create database instances and tables as per Database Design and Requirements document
  • Test DB client connectivity


The roles responsible for managing the DBMS Install and Configure service request procedure are the Project Manager, and the Server Build Coordinator, DBA roles (as required).

Table 1. Roles responsible for managing DBMS Install and Configure
Role Responsibilities related to server/network build requests
Project Manager (Requester) Coordinates the front end of the server build request process and performs service request validation and closure activities.
Server Build Coordinator (Fulfiller Approver) Monitors all activities related to the DBMS install and configure from receipt of approved service request to closure of service request.
Server Build Team (Fulfiller) Receives service request and performs all activities related to installing and configuring the server, coordinates with other functional areas that may be providing services for the request, makes updates to the configuration management and asset management systems, and performs lockdown activities and turnover activities.
DBA Team (Fulfiller) Involved in database planning, installation, configuration, and testing activities.
Note: Alternative content fulfillment options and job plans exist which will direct requests to the Change Process Manager.
