Deploy Server to Floor

This section describes and defines the processes and procedures that will be used to manage catalog requests to deploy a server to the floor. A catalog request is required to kick off the deployment of a server build by the various Service Delivery teams. It signals the start of any SLAs.


The creation and approval Deploy Server to Floor is complex and is therefore described as part of authorization process. These steps may be combined and in some organizations they are. Typically in smaller organizations some of the steps clearly will not be as detailed or be subjected to detailed reviews. However, in most large enterprises, checks and balances are in place to ensure the continuous business operations and these enterprises will have the steps that are described here. The tasks of the approvers will include verification of funding for the request. Multiple approvers may be required in some organizations. Notifications are sent to the service requisition user indicating the disposition of the approval request with reason codes. The Standard Authorization process will be used for any authorization and approval activities.


This procedure begins when the project manager receives a signed catalog order that involves a subset of tasks required to install a new server. The procedure ends when all activities related to a Deploy Server to Floor catalog request are completed and the catalog request is closed. The roles responsible for managing the server build service request procedure are the Project Manager, and the Server Build Catalog Request roles.

The following activities are performed as part of the fulfillment process:
  • The Server Build team (Server System Administrator) loads the appropriate operating system on the server (Unix or Windows)
  • Server System Administrator installs the standard applications and utilities on the server. These applications include Antivirus, firewall and systems management agents to name a few.
    Note: Separate catalog requests may be required to install any Middleware component software such as WAS, DB2, MQ, et cetera.

Resource assignment

Direct assignment by analysts to specialist or the team queue. Assignment activities are described as part of the fulfillment activities as the assignments are made.

Role assignment

Roles are meant as logical groupings of tasks and are not meant to match any particular organizational structure: The same individual can perform several roles, or a role may be split up among several individuals.

Table 1. Role assignments for Deploy Server to Floor Service Request
Role Responsibilities related to server/network build requests
Server Build Coordinator (Fulfiller Approver) Monitors all activities related to the server build catalogrequest from receipt of signed catalog order to closure of catalog request.
Server Build Team (Fulfiller) Receives catalog request and performs all activities related to installing and configuring the server, coordinates with other functional areas that may be providing services for the request, makes updates to the configuration management and asset management systems, and performs lockdown activities and turnover activities.
