Build New Standard Server Image
This section describes and defines the processes and procedures that will be used to manage Catalog Requests for building new standard server images. A given image is effective until the next Image Create or Image Update request is initiated.
Image Create requests typically occur yearly, while Image Update requests occur quarterly. An Image Update occurs when there are changes to OS components or enterprise applications. Up to two images may be live in production simultaneously, e.g., Windows XP and Windows Vista, until all groups are fully deployed on the later platform. Unique data elements are usually handled with attachments to these requests. Typically, the elements will include information of the program package, version number, and license agreements.
Authorization process
The authorization begins when the Requester submits a service request for an Image Create or Image Update. The process completes after the new image is created or an existing image has been updated. The request ends when all activities related to the Image Create or Image Update Service Request are completed and the service request is closed. There are multiple roles responsible for managing the service request process. The following tasks are performed as part of the authorization process:
An approval request is validated and approved following its initiation.
Fulfillment workflow
- Validate request (A second validation step is optionally performed by the fulfillment team)
- Create automated install and test plan
- Validate image
- Announce User Acceptance Test (UAT) readiness
- Conduct UAT
- Provide build signoff
- Move build to PROD repository
- Remove image as designated
Resource assignment
The resource assignment process is complete when the analyst assigns the service request to a specialist or the team queue. Resource assignment is described as part of the fulfillment activities as the assignments are made.
Role assignment
Role | Responsibilities related to Image Create and Image Update requests |
Requester | The Requester:
Queue Manager | The Queue Manager acts as the customer liaison, coordinates the planning and completion of all work tasks from request to production. The Queue Manager role will be assigned to the DDI Team Lead. |
Image Build Team (Fulfiller) | The Image Build Team creates or develops the requested deliverable, e.g., image components, image integration, new workstations, etc. |
QA Team | The Quality Assurance (QA) Team conducts quality testing, reviews the software deliverable, and promotes code. |