Price quotes

You might have price quotes applied to certain work orders that you work with in the Customer Billing application. For example, you might offer premium seasonal services or special event services and deliver these services for a quoted price.

Price quotes can be one of the following types:

Price schedules

The price schedule associated with the work order specifies whether you can apply a price quote to a work order. If the price schedule on the work order allows price quotes, the price quote is considered when the bill is calculated. To allow price quotes for work, the Allow Price Quotes check box on the associated price schedule must be selected. View the price schedule in the Customer Agreements application. To modify a price quote, you add or modify the quote type and the quote price with the View/Update Price Quote action in the work order application.

Billing with fixed price quotes

If the work order contains a fixed quote and quote price, the quote price is billed for the completed work. The quote price can be less than or greater than the total of the line prices on the work order. The applied price schedule must allow use of price quotes. If it does not, the calculated costs and prices are billed. This amount is in addition to the listed markup prices. For example, if this price schedule applies to a sales order for IT asset management, you might add a $2,000 monthly management fee. If the price schedule applies to an activity work order, you can add a fixed fee to the bill for each completed activity. Fixed fees are useful when you want to add trip charges to work orders.

Billing with "not to exceed" price quotes

If a work order contains an NTE quote and quote price, the quote price for the completed work is billed only if it is less than the actual costs and prices. The applied price schedule must allow use of price quotes. If it does not, the calculated costs and prices are billed.

Viewing price quote information

When you create a bill batch that includes work orders with price quotes, you can see the following information on the line detail for each bill line:

  • Cost
  • Agreed price
  • Quote type
  • Quoted price
  • Billed price
