Creating an offering that includes a Custom MBO

You can create a new offering or edit an existing offering to reference the newly created Custom MBO.

About this task

You can only add a custom MBO to Offerings that have a Custom Presentation. An offering can have more than one custom MBO, but each custom MBO must be unique.


  1. On the Offerings tab in the Offerings application , click the New icon to create a new offering.
  2. Add a unique name, short description, and long description for the offering.
  3. Select a classification for the offering from the list in the Classification field.
  4. Click the Add Offering to Catalog action and choose a catalog from the list.
  5. Click Save to update the offering definition.
  6. On the Specifications tab, choose Custom Presentation in the Presentation Type field.
  7. Enter a name in the Custom Dialog Name field. If you want the data associated with the custom MBO to display in tabular format, you will need to select the dialog which has a table control object defined and references the custom MBO attributes.
  8. In the Specifications table, add the specification attributes for the offerings.
    Note: These are the CRSPEC attributes which are in addition to the custom MBO attributes. The custom MBO attributes will not be visible from offerings they are associated with.
  9. On the Specifications tab, click the New Row button in the Custom MBOs section to specify the custom object to use with this offering by entering the details in the Custom MBO fields.
  10. Click Save to update the offering definition.
  11. Change the Status of the offering to Active.


The new offering is created with the tabular data capabilities where the user can add multiple rows of information for the offering they are submitting.
