Creating a custom MBO with tabular data for offerings

The Service Designer can add a tabular data object structure to a custom dialog, allowing users to provide data in tabular format when ordering an offering.

Create a tabular data object

About this task

You need to first create a Custom MBO and add it to the database. For detailed information on creating and configuring database objects, see the Configuring databases topics in the Configuring the product section of this Infocenter.


  1. In the Database Configuration application, click New Object icon.
  2. Type a name in the Object field and a description of the object in the Description field. The Entity field shows the value that you typed in the Object field and becomes the name of the view on the database.
  3. Change the value in the Class field to the following:
  4. Check the Main Object check box.
  5. On the Attributes tab, add the attributes required for the tabular data object.
    Note: TICKETID is a required attribute.
  6. Optional: If a domain is required, click the detail menu on the Domain field and select Go to Domains to create a new domain and add your values.
  7. Optional: Specify any indexes needed for this object.
  8. Click Save Object.

What to do next

Apply the changes to the database.

Apply changes to the database

About this task

When you change the database, for example by creating or deleting objects, attributes, or indexes, changes are stored in secondary tables. The changes do not take effect until you configure the database. Always back up your data before configuring the database. You need Administrator access to perform this task.


  1. In the Database Configuration application, select Manage Admin Mode from the action menu
  2. Click Turn Admin Mode ON.
  3. Click OK. A window opens that indicates that the Admin Mode is starting.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click the Apply Configuration Changes action to configure the database and restore backup tables.
  6. To turn off Admin Mode, click the Admin Mode action, and then click Turn Admin Mode OFF.

What to do next

Add the relationship from the service request to the new tabular data object.

Add relationship between the SR object and tabular data object


  1. In the Database Configuration application, select the SR object.
  2. On the Relationships tab, add a new row to the list of relationships.
  3. Click the Detail Menu on the Child field and select the new tabular data object from the list, for example:

    Child Object: BLDACCESS

    RelationshipName: PMBLDACCESS

  4. Fill in the relationship between the SR and the new table data object, as follows:

    Where Clause: TICKETID=:TICKETID

    You can also create a new relationship from the new table data object to any object you want to reference

  5. Click Save Object.

Add conditions for attribute display

About this task

You can use data restrictions or signature options to limit the data to hide records or to make records read-only. At the attribute level, you can create data restrictions to make records hidden, read-only, or required. Because these data restrictions exist at the data-level, the restrictions apply to any user interface element or application that uses the object or attribute.


  1. In the Security Groups application, select the group for which you want to set restrictions.
  2. On the Data Restrictions tab, click Attribute Restrictions.
  3. Click New Row.
  4. In the Object field, specify the table or view on which to set the restriction.
  5. Optional: If you are specifying an attributes restriction, specify the attribute that you want to restrict.
  6. Optional: In the Application field, specify the application to which you are applying the restriction. Leave the field blank to apply the restriction to all applications that use the object or attribute.
  7. Specify the type of restriction.
  8. Optional: Specify the following options for restrictions:
    Option Description
    Reevaluate Select this option for the restriction condition to be reevaluated when the user tabs to another field. If you do not select this option, the restriction conditions are evaluated after the changes to a field are saved.
    Condition Specify a conditional expression.
  9. Save your changes.
  10. Optional: You can modify the control properties using signature options. Use the following inserts for the table data objects to be visible in the Service Catalog applications:
    insert into
    values (  'PMSCOFFCAT'  ,  'MYOPTIONREAD'  ,  'Make read only'  ,
    0 , 1 , SIGOPTIONSEQ.nextval ,  'EN'  , 0 );
    values ( CONDITIONSEQ.nextval ,  'EXPCON1'  ,  'EXPRESSION'  ,  ':BUILDINGNUM=''RTP
    500'''  , null , 
    'where building num is RTP500'  );
    insert into ctrlcondition ( ctrlconditionid, ctrlgroupid, conditionnum,
    conditionseq, reevaluate, rowstamp)
    values (1, 1, 'EXPCON1', 10, 1, maxseq.nextval);
    insert into ctrlgroup ( ctrlgroupid, groupname, optionname, app, groupseq,
    values (1, 'PMSCSRU', 'MYOPTIONREAD', 'PMSCOFFCAT', 10, maxseq.nextval);
    insert into ctrlcondprop ( ctrlcondpropid, property, propertyvalue,
    conditionresult, ctrlconditionid, rowstamp)
    values (1, 'inputmode', 'readonly', 1, 1, maxseq.nextval);
    and then add the signature option attribute to the control in the library.xml, for example:
    <textbox dataattribute="DESCRIPTION"
    id="PmBuildingAccess_aln5" label="Description" labelcss="pmrdp_text_node"

What to do next

You can add the new custom dialog box to the Offerings (pmscoffer) application, or you can clone an existing dialog using the Application Designer application and add the Custom MBO in the application XML. For more details about cloning dialog boxes, click the links in the Related tasks section.
