Using Map Control to customize and extend mapping

Map Control is used to control the display of a map; for example, Map Control specifies which records to map, provides the initial mapping setting, specifies map tools, controls whether routing occurs, and so on.

About this task

You can add the Map Control anywhere in the applications. You can modify the Map Control using Application Designer or edit the exported presentation.xml.

As an example of using Map Control, the following Map Control used in the Service Requests application shows the route on the "Map - Below" tab:

<mapcontrol defaultsymbology="[{'layer':'sr','symbology':
height="100%" id="pmmap_maintab3_mxmap_div" mapviewonly="true"
routedatasrc="results_showlist_datasrc" routedatasrcdynamic="true"

The following Map Control used in the Service Request application shows the single record on the Map tab:

<mapcontrol datasrc="MAINRECORD"
height="100%" id="mxmap_div" mapviewonly="false"

You can add a map anywhere you want in an application. Map control is supported by Application Designer and is extendable. The shipped product provides a simple way to map a single record and multiple records. For additional information about extending maps in your product installation, see the Maximo Asset Management Scheduler wiki page at

Note that all layers, symbols, and attributes are configurable in this file:

