
The mapping feature is available in a wide variety of product applications. Some configuration is required before you can use mapping.

Applications that provide mapping include Service Address, Assets, Locations, Configuration Items (CI), Changes, Incidents, Releases, Problems, Service Requests, Activities and Tasks, and Work Order Tracking applications.

The Service Provider edition of the product also provides mapping in the Configuration Processes and Process Requests applications.

General map behavior

In all of the applications that provide mapping, you can map a single record that you have opened. The following applications have tabs beside the List tab that enable you to map one or more selected records: Assets, Configuration Items, Changes, Releases, Incidents, Service Requests, and Problems.

Mapped records are displayed as symbols that indicate a record attribute, such as a CI classification or a Change status.

The maps can be manipulated in a number of ways to show different things. On the multiple-record maps, you can draw a route from your location to the records in the map, obtain detailed directions to records from your location, and more.

The appearance and behavior of your maps depend on how your administrator has defined mapping in your environment. An administrator can do the following:
  • Use the application designer to change the attributes of the Map Control; for example, to disable the route or add or remove the map tools.
  • Change the attribute that is shown for the mapped records. For example, the symbols can be modified to show Change priority rather than status, which is the initial default.
  • In the Map Manager application, edit the Map tips template for a record to control the information that is displayed when a user seeks additional information.
  • Change the image of the symbol or add a new Layer by modifying the symbology configuration file.

Required configuration

Maps are available only if an administrator has configured mapping for your site. Service addresses must also be created; these addresses are associated with process records, such as Changes or Incidents, and with records such as assets and locations.

For information about setting up mapping and service addresses, see "Configuring and managing maps" and "Configuring and managing service addresses" in the Configuring the product section of the information center.
