Configuring the provider properties file
The IT asset initialization process requires a properties file ( for assets. Integration Composer uses this file to define the hierarchical structure and class names for the target data schema, which is Maximo® Assets 7.5.
- Navigate to the <InstallDir>\data\properties\provider directory.
- In the provider directory, open the file in a text editor, such as Notepad.
- For each level 1 property that contains level 2 classes, type the names of the level 2 classes that you use. For example, level2.Computer.classnames=Disk,Software,Network Card,Display,Printer; where Disk, Software, Network Card, Display, and Printer are class names for level 2 classes. The maximum number of levels in the classification hierarchy is three (root, level 1, and level 2). Do not attempt to create more than three levels.
- Optional: Remove or comment out any level 2 class names that you do not use.
- For each class (except for the root class IT Asset), specify the classstructureids defined for your enterprise.
- If you renamed classes in the schema, remove or comment out any <class name>.classsructureids lines for classes that are no longer part of the schema.
- After you enter all classes and classstructureids, save the properties file and close it. Configuration of the file is complete.