Provider properties file

The IT asset initialization process requires a properties file ( for assets. Integration Composer uses this file to define the hierarchical structure and class names for the target data schema, which is Maximo® Assets 7.5. The properties file also associates class structure IDs to the defined classes. Provide the class structure IDs for each asset object in the schema (for example, computer and network device).

When you install Integration Composer, the installer creates the file in the following location:


The file specifies a hierarchy with three levels of classes: root, level 1, and level 2. The file also specifies asset classifications (classstructureids). For each class below the root class, the file lists the class structure IDs associated with the class.

The class structure IDs listed in the file that Integration Composer installs, are based on the asset structure defined for the demo data delivered with the system. For example, in the sample that follows, Computer has the following class structure IDs, 1221, 1222, 1223 representing classifications for Server, Notebook, and Desktop.

These class structure IDs are meant to be used as an example, and it is unlikely that you use the same values in your environment. Therefore, you must configure this file to correspond to the asset classifications that you use in your environment.

Modify the class structure IDs only for the objects that you map. The mapping file provided maps only computers as assets.

Do not change the class names or the structure of the data schema. Integration Composer maintains cache properties in the database for the IT asset initialization data schema just as it does for other data schemas. For example, the cacheClassName cache property specifies the class IT Asset. If you rename the IT Asset class in the, you create a conflict with the cache property in the database, and errors result.

Provider file (

# root class name
root.classname=IT Asset
# level 1 classes names
level1.classnames=Computer,Network Device,Network Printer
# level2.[level 1 class name no space].classnames - level 2 classes names (if exist)
level2.Computer.classnames=Disk,Software,Operating System,Network Card,Display,Printer
level2.NetworkDevice.classnames=Network Device Card
# [class name no space].classstructureids - the class structure ids for every class

Provider file properties

The properties in this file specify the hierarchy for the target schema, Maximo Assets 7.5. Integration Composer displays these classes in the Maximo Assets 7.5 data schema.

Table 1. file
Class level Class name or names Comment
root class IT Asset The root class is the top level of the class hierarchy.

Do not alter this class name.

level 1 class Computer, Network Device, Network Printer Level 1 class names correspond to the three deployed asset classes that are populated by Integration Composer adapters. These classes correspond to the three Deployed Assets applications: Computers, Network Devices, and Network Printers.

Do not alter these values.

level 2 class For Computers:

Disk, Software, Operating System, Network Card, Display, Printer

For Network Devices:

Network Device Card

Level 2 classes are a subclassification of the level 1 class. Integration Composer uses the values specified here to create child assets for each class listed.

Specify values for properties at this level only if you are tracking objects as assets. For example, if you use the asset initialization mapping provided, there is no need to specify classstructureids for software, as it is not mapped as an asset. Software is mapped as spare parts.

<class name>.classstructureid   For every level 2 class name that is specified in the file, create at least one corresponding class structure ID in this section. You can include more than one class structure ID. The class structure IDs included in the file are based on sample demo data, and you must define values appropriate for your business needs.
