Define data sources for CI type and actual CI data

You must define how Integration Composer connects to each data source.

Before you begin

Integration Composer uses an API or JDBC driver to connect to data sources. Use the IBM Configuration Discovery and Tracking API when connecting to the source data for TADDM. After you define the connection parameters, Integration Composer saves them in its repository and displays them whenever you attempt to connect to that data source.

About this task

To configure the transfer of data from TADDM, you must define the four data sources. These data sources represent the ends of the connections for CI type data and Actual CI data. Source, in this context, means either end of a connection, regardless of the direction in which the data flows. The four data sources you define are:
  • TADDM75CIType
  • TADDM75ActualCI
  • CCMDB75CIType
  • CCMDB75ActualCI
