Configuring a connection to TADDM

If you did not provide parameters for a connection to Tivoli® Application Dependency Discovery Manager (TADDM) during installation or upgrade, you can add them later.

About this task

The connection properties are stored in the Maximo® database. They are used for launching to the TADDM console and for storing information in the TADDM database.


  1. Determine whether the properties are defined in the Maximo database.
    1. Click GoTo > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > System Properties.
    2. Expand the filter, enter TADDM in the Property Name field, and press Enter.
    3. Check whether these properties are defined:
      Table 1. TADDM Connection Properties
      Property name Description Default value
      TADDM.ConfigEnabled Allowable values are true or false. Specify true if you want to configure a TADDM connection. false
      TADDM.ServerHostName The hostname or IP address for the TADDM Server N/A
      TADDM.ServerPort This is the port for the TADDM API. It is used by the release management process to register resources in TADDM. For TADDM Version 7.2.1 or earlier, specify 9530 for your host port.

      For TADDM Version 7.2.2 or later, specify 9433 for your host port.

      TADDM.UserName The user name that is used to connect to TADDM. administrator
      TADDM.UserPassword The password that is used to connect to TADDM. N/A
      TADDM.WebPort The port for the TADDMWeb Application. This is used when launching into the TADDM console. 9430
  2. If the properties are found in the Maximo database, skip this step. If they are not found, add them:
    1. On the administrative workstation, change to the install_home\maximo\tools\maximo\internal directory.
    2. Run this command: runscriptfile.bat -fCreateTADDMProps -ccci_pmp
  3. Edit the properties in the Maximo database to provide the correct connection parameters for your TADDM server.
  4. Complete the steps described in Configuring Launch in Context Support to configure the launch to the TADDM console.
