CI Link Results application

You use the CI Link Results application in the Reconciliation module to view and manage results generated when the system runs a reconciliation task that compares two different sets of configuration item (CI) data.

You can use the CI Link Results application to perform the following actions:
  • View results of a successful link between an object in Data Set 1 and an object in Data Set 2.
  • Delete CI link results.

Each reconciliation task contains one or more link rules that establish the basis of a reconciliation by identifying a top-level object and attribute in Data Set 1 (typically authorized CI data) to match with a specific attribute of a top-level object in Data Set 2 (typically actual CI data). If the system processes a link rule and finds a one-to-one link between a top-level authorized CI and an actual CI, it creates a link result record that you can view in the CI Link Results application.

The application displays the following information for each link result record:
Rule Name
The name of the rule that generated the result. You can use the Detail Menu in this field to navigate to the Link Rules application.
Link Date
The date and time the link result record was created.
The Authorized CI Information area displays the following information about the authorized CI:
An authorized CI object. You can use the Detail Menu in this field to perform the following actions:
  • view Classifications.
  • view Attributes.
  • navigate to the Configuration Items application.
  • view the description of the authorized CI.
Actual CI
An actual CI object.
A description of the actual CI.

If the system finds no link or finds multiple links between a top-level authorized CI and an actual CI, it creates a link failure result record that you can view in the CI Reconciliation Results application.
