Promotion of actual CIs to authorized CIs
In Control Desk, you can create authorized configuration items (CIs) from the actual CIs in your environment. This process is called promotion.
Before you can promote actual CI data to authorized CIs, you specify how to transfer the data from the actual CI to the authorized CI by creating promotion scopes for top-level CIs that you want to manage. A promotion scope functions like a template that maps a set of actual CI classifications to a set of authorized CI classifications. When actual CIs are promoted to authorized CIs, authorized CIs are created based on classifications that are specified in the mapping.
To create promotion scopes, you can use the Promotion Scopes application in the Administration module. Administrators who manage CIs can choose to use the Promotion Scopes application from within the Control Desk user interface, or they can use the external Deployer's Workbench utility to create promotion scopes.
After you define your promotion scopes, you can promote actual CIs to authorized CIs. You can promote actual CIs individually or in a batch.