Authorized CIs associated with deleted actual CIs

When an actual CI is deleted, the associated CI, if any, is not deleted. You must decide how to process these authorized CIs.

When a CI is deleted from TADDM, and deletion of actual CIs in Control Desk is enabled, the actual CI is deleted from the Maximo database. Authorized CIs that are associated with the deleted actual CIs are not deleted. The ACTCINUM attribute, which identifies the actual CI, is still present on the authorized CI record.

The next time you run a CI reconciliation, you will see these authorized CIs identified as not having associated actual CIs. You can also run a report from the Configuration Items application, called CIs Linked to Deleted Actual CIs, to identify these CIs.

After you identify the affected CIs, you must decide what to do about each. It is possible that the deletion of the actual CIs was associated with a change request; in this case, processing the change will handle the required updates. If there was not a change associated with the deletion, you might need to investigate why the actual CI was deleted. If the deletion was valid, you could take any of these actions on the authorized CI:
  • Move the CI to a state in its lifecycle that corresponds to DECOMMISSIONED. A CI in such a state cannot be the target of a change or other process request.
  • Delete the CI.
  • Take some other action based on your standard business procedures.
Note that if the CI is in a protected state in its lifecycle, an approved change must be used to change its lifecycle state or to modify or delete the CI.
