Service Catalog statuses

Status is used to control the lifecycle of offerings and catalogs in Service Catalog. The lifecycle includes creation, review, test, production, and removal from the environment.

The following table contains the description, and behavior for each status value in offerings and catalogs.

Table 1. Service Catalog statuses
Status Description
PENDING Items can be edited while their status is Pending.

When items are created, the initial status is Pending. Items that are being modified also have status of Pending, and this denotes that items are in their design phase for creation and update.

An item with a status of Pending can transition to Planning, Active, or Pending Obsolescence.

PLANNING Items can be edited while their status is Planning.

Setting the status of an item to Planning can be useful for making necessary updates, completing reviews, or testing. The planning state is optional, depending on business needs.

An item with status of Planning can transition to Pending, Active, or Pending Obsolescence.


Items that are Active are visible to the end user in the Offering Catalog or Self Service Center.

An item with a status of Active can transition to Pending, Planning, and Pending Obsolescence.


Moving items to Pending Obsolescence can be useful for making items temporarily unavailable or as a final check before disabling them in the system.

An item with a status of Pending Obsolescence can transition to Pending, Active, or Obsolete.


Once an item status is changed to Obsolete, it can not be reactivated. It can be viewed (by searching for items with status Obsolete), but it can never become active again.

Offering status behavior

Offerings can be added to a catalog while in any status. However, only offerings that are Active are visible and can be ordered in the Offering Catalog or Self Service Center.

Offerings that do not have status of Planning or Pending can not be edited. If the default Item Status is not Planning or Pending for an Item Set, then creating a new Offering will override that value and set the status to Pending. This exists so that an offering can not be created in a state in which it can not be edited.

Catalog status behavior

Only catalogs that have status Active can be browsed for or searched in the Offering Catalog or Self Service Center.
