Modifying the Contact Us pod and chat settings

If you are authorized to configure chat settings and have access to the Person Groups application, you can configure the text that is displayed in the Contact Us pod of the Self Service Center home page. You can also modify the greeting that is displayed in an end user’s chat window when an agent accepts a chat.

About this task

The contents of the Contact Us can be modified at any time. Modifications that you make to the contents of the contact pod apply globally to all live chat users. You can edit the lines of text between the title and the chat button, and you can customize the title and chat button.

In the product as shipped, Hello, how may I help you? is automatically displayed in the end user’s chat window when an agent accepts a chat. You can use this task to change that automatic greeting. The same automatic greeting is displayed for all end users.

Editing the text lines beneath the title

After you modify the text lines in the contact pod, your modifications will be displayed in the pod to all users of the live chat feature.


Perform these steps to edit the text lines in the contact pod.

  1. Go to the Person Groups application (Administration > Resources > Person Groups).
  2. Select the Configure Chat Settings action in the navigation pane. This option is available only if you are authorized to edit the Contact Us pod.

    A rich text editor window is displayed. It contains whatever lines of text currently exist in the pod between the title and the chat button.

  3. Edit the lines of text; your edited text will be displayed in the contact pod. For example, you might add the line Available daily, 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM, along with a telephone number to the support team.
  4. Click OK when you have completed your modifications to the lines of text in the pod.

Customizing the pod title and chat button

Changing the pod title or customizing the chat button produces these changes globally, for all users.

About this task

You perform these operations in the Application Designer application. For full instructions on using this application, consult the application help available through the application Help button or in the Modules and Applications section of the information center.


Perform these steps to give the pod a different title, provide a different label for the chat button, or both.

  1. Go to the Application Designer application (System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Applicaton Designer).
  2. Export the Self Service Center presentation XML file, srmssctr.xml.
  3. Find this line:

    <livechatpod id="livechatid" label="Current_title" buttonlabel="Current_button_label"/>

  4. To change the title of the pod, modify the Current_title value.
  5. To relabel the chat button, modify the Current_button_label value.
  6. Save and import the edited presentation XML file.


Your changes take effect when you import the edited XML file.

Providing a new automatic greeting

You can modify the greeting that is displayed automatically in the end user’s chat window when an agent accepts the chat. An automatic greeting provides consistency for end users across chats and agents; it also enables agents with multiple simultaneous chat requests to more efficiently manage their chat operations.


Perform these steps to provide a new greeting:

  1. Go to the Person Groups application (Administration > Resources > Person Groups).
  2. Select the Configure Chat Settings action in the navigation pane. This option is available only if you are authorized to edit the Contact Us pod.

    Below the rich text editor window, the Chat Greeting Message field is displayed. It contains whatever text currently functions as the greeting.

  3. Type a new greeting in the Chat Greeting Message field.
  4. Click OK when you have completed your modifications to the greeting.
