At any time, you can calculate the impacts of an individual
implementation task. For example, you might want to calculate impacts
of a task for which you have added additional targets or removed targets,
modified the outage values, or made some other modification. After
you calculate the task impacts, you can select one or more of the
impacts to record them as impacts for the task.
About this task
When you perform this operation, the impact analysis engine performs
the same calculations that it performs during a workflow-driven or
manually invoked impact analysis. In this operation, the calculations
are performed only for the selected task.
To calculate and select implementation task impacts, perform
the following steps:
- With the Change open in the Changes application, open the
Impacts tab, and open the Manage Impacts tab.
- In the Implementation Tasks for Change section, select
a task, and click Impacts for All Targets of Selected Task to
calculate all of the target impacts for the task. The Selecting Impacts
for Targets in a Task dialog opens. This dialog is populated with
the resulting impacts.
- In the Selecting Impacts for Targets in a Task dialog,
do one of the following:
- Open the Calculated tab to select impacts that were calculated using
the impact assessment rules.
- Open the Historical tab to select impacts based on historically
identified impacts. Open the CI Details tab to select CI impacts;
open the Assets tab to select Assets impacts.
- Click OK to save the selected impacts to the selected
task. The identified impacts are displayed in the Impacts for Task