You might want to calculate the impacts of individual target
CIs or assets when a new target is added to the task, or when new
CI relationships are added to the configuration management database
(CMDB). After you calculate the target CI or asset impacts, you can
select one or more of the impacts to record them as impacts for the
About this task
To calculate and select impacts for selected target CIs
or assets, perform the following steps:
- With the Change open in the Changes application, open the
Impacts tab, and navigate to the Manage Impacts tab.
- Select a task in the Implementation Tasks table. The target
CIs that are associated with the task are displayed in the Targets
for Task table.
- Select a target in the Targets for Task table, and click Impacts
for Selected Target to calculate the impacts for the selected
target. The Selecting Impacts for a Target CI dialog opens; this dialog
is populated with the resulting impacts.
- Perform one or more of the following actions to select
target CI or asset impacts:
- Open the Calculated tab to select impacts that were calculated using
the impact assessment rules.
- Open the Historical tab to select impacts that were harvested
based on historically identified impacts. Use the Configuration Items
tab to select CI impacts; use the Assets tab to select Assets impacts.
- Open the Related CIs tab to view a list of CIs that are related
to the selected target CI. This information is retrieved from the
configuration management database (CMDB). If you want to add one or
more related CIs to the Impacts list, select these CIs and click OK.
- Open the Related Assets tab to view a list of assets that are
related to the selected target CI. This information is retrieved from
the configuration management database (CMDB). If you want to add one
or more related assets to the Impacts list, select these assets and
click OK.