Viewing details about deployed software

Use the Deployed Software application to view the details of deployed software records in the database.

About this task

This task describes how to view the details of deployed software records. These records are organized primarily by software titles. You can see details on computers, software components, and associated licenses.

The steps for viewing details about deployed software follow.


  1. On the navigation bar, click Go To > Assets > Deployed Assets > Deployed Software.
  2. With the cursor in the Software product name field, press the Enter key to display a list of deployed software records, or use the filter or Advanced Search to filter the records that you want to display.
  3. Select the first record that you want to view.

    Deployed software record details are displayed on the Deployed Software tab, including their location (computer or partition) and any components belonging to the displayed software.

    Tip: If IBM® Tivoli® Software Knowledge Base Toolkit or IBM Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS® was used to import the deployed software data, prior to performing the import the inventory manager of these products could designate a discovered software instance as being a part of a software bundle. For example, a discovered DB2® instance might be designated as a middleware component of Maximo® Asset Management. In Control Desk, however, this DB2 instance would be displayed on the Deployed Software tab as Maximo Asset Management, not DB2. In this case, DB2 would appear on the tab, but listed in the Software Component section. In the Computers application, on the other hand, this same DB2 instance would be displayed as a product. Note also that, in a more typical situation, where software bundles are not involved, the deployed software data in the Software Component section simply reiterates some of the data in the record heading (top) section of the tab. The data in both places is the same.

    To view details for the previous or next record in your search results, click Previous Record or Next Record.

  4. On the Authorized Asset tab, view any linked computer assets where deployed software instances are located.
