Transferring a license

Use the Licenses application to transfer one or more licenses from one organization to another. License capacity can also be transferred.

Before you begin

Before you can transfer a license, make sure the status of the license is Active. Also check the Related Licenses tab for the license you intend to transfer, to see if there are additional, related licenses that should be transferred as well.

About this task

A license transfer copies the active license into the target organization and assigns the license a status of Draft. The current, copied license is set to Canceled.

A license transfer is between organizations. It is not possible to transfer a license to an asset, partition, location, or GL account, because these entities are specific to the organizations in which they are configured. If a license is transferred to a new organization, its allocations then need to refer to records for assets, partitions, locations and GL accounts for the new organization.

How you transfer a license is determined by how your business defines its organizations in Control Desk. For example, all your business locations in the same country might be in the same organization. If so, they would share the same GL account, and you would not be able to "transfer" a license from one of these business locations to another. Instead, you would allocate the license to the new business location from the Allocations section on the License tab, as described in the licenses overview. If you are divesting or acquiring another business, and you have an organization set up for that business in addition to your own, you can do license transfers between these organizations. It depends on how your organizations are set up. .

Regarding noncapitalized items, for the sending organization the clearing account for the organization is debited and the GL account on the license is credited. A clearing account is a default value (an accounting code) defined in the organization and used for transfers between organizations. The line cost is stated in the currency of the sending organization and the currency code and currency line cost indicate the base currency of the receiving organization. For the receiving organization, the clearing account for the organization is credited, and an account to be named is debited. The new account will become the GL account for the new license record. The line cost is stated in the currency of the receiving organization and the currency code and currency line cost indicate the base currency of the sending organization.

This task cannot be used to divide capacity for a single license between organizations. Division of capacity for a single license between organizations must be done by manually creating a license record in each organization and then assigning the appropriate charges. The licenses can be related using the Related Licenses tab of the Licenses application.

This task does not support costs distributed among several accounts. If it is necessary for multiple accounts to be debited or credited, you can perform the appropriate transactions on the Costs tab for the inactivated license and its corresponding new license.

For users of the product IBM Control Desk for Service Providers only: When you transfer a license to a target organization, any customer assigned to that license is copied to the new Draft license for the target organization. To change the customer assigned to the transferred license, open the new license and follow the instructions described in Assigning a customer to a license.

The steps for transferring a license follows.


  1. On the navigation bar, click Go To > Assets > Licenses.
  2. In the Licenses application, open the license that you want to transfer, or specify multiple licenses in the record list. (In the record list, to specify multiple licenses you must select the Select Records check box and then check one or more licenses that you want to transfer. In the record list, the transfer is applied to all the selected licenses, on tabs the transfer is applied to currently open license only.)
  3. Select the Transfer License action.
  4. On the Transfer License window, in the Transfer from section, complete the Debit GL field and any other required fields indicated with an asterisk (*). It is not possible to copy distributions to asset, partition, location, and GL because these entities are specific to the organizations in which they are configured.
  5. In the Transfer to section, specify in the Organization field the target organization that you want to transfer the license to.
  6. Complete the Credit GL field and any other required fields indicated with an asterisk (*). The Credit GL field indicates the GL account to be credited in the sending organization. This account defaults to organization clearing account for noncapitalized items and organization capital account for capitalized items.
    In the Transfer from column:
    • The Credit GL field indicates the GL account to be credited in the sending organization. This account defaults to the organization clearing account for noncapitalized items and organization capital account for capitalized items.
    • The Debit GL field indicates the GL account to be debited in the sending organization. This account defaults to the license GL.
    • The line cost defaults to the amount in the License Cost field for noncapitalized licenses, and to the received cost for capitalized licenses.
    • Select the Copy Person Distributions check box if you want to copy internal person distributions into the new license.
    In the Transfer to column:
    • The Credit GL field indicates the GL account to be credited in the receiving organization. This account becomes the license GL account for the new license record.
    • The Debit GL field indicates the GL account to be debited in the receiving organization. This account defaults to the organization clearing account for noncapitalized items and organization capital account for capitalized items.
    • The line cost defaults to the amount in the License Cost field for noncapitalized licenses, and to the received cost for capitalized licenses.
    • In the New License ID field, the license identifier is prefilled with the identifier from the previous organization. The identifier must be unique within the target organization, so you might need to modify it.
  7. Click OK. The license transfer is completed and the Transfer License window closes.

    When viewing the original or new license, you can find its matching peer on the Related Licenses tab.

  8. Click Save.
