Specifying refresh cycles for IT assets
In the Assets application you can specify technology refresh dates for IT assets. You can use the technology refresh data to determine what assets are eligible for replacement.
About this task
- In the Assets application, select the IT asset for which you want to define a refresh cycle.
- In the Technology Refresh section on the IT Details tab, check the date in the Qualified Refresh Date field. This is the date that the application calculates for replacement of the IT asset. To calculate this date, the application adds the amount of time specified in the Cycle field to the date that the IT asset record was created. Information in the Cycle and Qualified Refresh Date fields is dependent on data that was entered for this type of asset in the Item Master application.
- Optional: If the date in the Qualified Refresh Date field is not the date that you want to use for replacing the asset, specify a date for refresh in the Planned Refresh Date field.
- Optional: In the Refresh Status field, specify a refresh status for the IT asset.
- Save the asset record.